Application for the ESMAC 2024 Travel Scholarship is now open!
Travel Scholarships are available to ESMAC members who will be presenting their research at the annual meeting. Applications will be reviewed by the ESMAC Education sub-committee, and recipients will be selected based on their demonstrated potential to advance scientific knowledge, technical capabilities, and/or clinical practice in the field of human movement. ESMAC is pleased to announce that 7 scholarships are available this year. Travel scholarship recipients will receive reimbursement of travel and/or accommodation expenses up to 600 Euros. Registration fees for the conference are not covered by the scholarship. The application deadline is 2nd June 2024. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by 8th June 2024.
Applications may be submitted prior to the date of abstract notification (28th May), on the understanding that the outcome will be contingent on the abstract being accepted.
Application Procedure
Applicants must meet ALL of the following criteria:
- Be the first and presenting author on an abstract that has been accepted for oral or poster presentation at the Annual Meeting. Applications may be submitted prior to the date of abstract notification (28th May), on the understanding that the outcome will be contingent on the abstract being accepted.
- Be an ESMAC member, or have applied for membership.
- Provide a brief statement (250 word maximum) outlining why you wish to have an ESMAC Scholarship, and any difficulties in obtaining professional or educational funds from your home country.
- Provide a (brief) CV – no more than two pages.
- Provide a copy of your submitted abstract.
- Provide the contact details of a reference person
An applicant may receive no more than one travel scholarship per year.
Send the completed application by email to